share bout something :)

Ecstasy Effects

Users claim that MDMA produces intense feelings of pleasure, empathy, warmth and happiness. It also increases sensitivity to music, makes people more emotionally open, and has a stimulating, speedy physical effect.
When Ecstasy is swallowed, the full effect is usually felt within one hour. It starts with tingling and little rushes of exhilaration. Some people may experience nausea or dizziness while coming up but it quickly passes.
The effect builds quickly, coming on in waves within the first two hours, strengthening with each pass. A lightness of mood and relaxation gives way to waves of physical pleasure, euphoria, openness and empathy to others around you. The awareness of touch is strongly heightened. Sexual activity may be more satisfying.
The muscles relax. Perception of sound and colors may be more intense while under the influence of the Love Drug.
Along with feeling good, a person who takes E may find that communicating with others is much easier. They are more open and trusting of others than when not under the influence of the drug. Not only is it easier to talk to others after using X-TC, but the person is also more introspective while under its influence.
The peak arrives and then the effects last 4-6 hours, with a gradual tapering come-down in the last two. Not everyone who tries Ecstasy has a good experience. Some people who use it feel anxious, depressed or even paranoid after using the drug.
Other users report feeling nauseous and complain that their arms and legs feel stiff after ingesting the drug. Excessive thirst is another side effect of using X-TC. The user may not be able to sleep after taking a dose.
Jaw clenching and "clamping" is a common side-effect of Ecstasy and many people get relief by chewing on dummies or gum, smoking cigarettes or sucking on lollipops. Users may also experience muscle cramping. Vision can become blurry.

Coming Down From Ecstasy

On come-down, you may feel physically and emotionally drained. Without the artificial stimulation of E, the body and mind can suffer from exhaustion and anxiety.
It's very important to have somewhere warm and comfortable to go back to, preferably stocked with refreshments, and gentle 'chill' music. General health and regularity of use play a very large part in the harshness of the after-effects.
Ecstasy is rapidly broken down by the liver but about 60% enters the urine unchanged. The urine could be drunk to recycle it, in the same way that Siberian tribesmen drink each other's urine after eating magic mushrooms. This is known in most circles as 'desperate'.

Effect of X-TC on the Brain

E causes (5-hydroxytryptamine or 5-HT) and dopamine to flood the brain. Both are neurotransmitters which influence the flow of information throughout the brain. Changing the balance between the two changes your mood. Ecstasy gives you a glow of well-being, happiness, empathy, euphoria, increases your sensitivity to rhythmic music, and makes you want to dance.
The latest studies show that Ecstasy use can impair the serotonin system and memory performance. Research conducted on subjects who had used E on a couple of hundred occasions showed that people who use the drug had suffered brain damage. The level of brain damage users experience is directly proportional to the number of times the drug was used.
The brain damage found among X-TC users involved the cells responsible for releasing serotonin in the brain. An imaging technique known as Positron Emission Tomography (PET) was used to study the brains of a group of Ecstasy users. Researchers found that the number of healthy serotonin cells in the participants' brains was between 20-60 percent lower than normal. This type of change in the normal level of cells in the brain accounts for the memory loss that long-term users of E may experience.

Side Effects of Ecstasy Use

Here's one side effect when you use ecstasy: your heart will beat faster, you begin to sweat because your body temperature is rising. The other side effects are confusion, depression, insomia, amnesia, hallucinations, paranoia and panic attacks.
Long term side effects are the following: dehydration, hypertension, hyperthermia, heart failure and kidney failure. A small number of E users experience liver damage as a result of their drug use. The fact that Ecstasy increases body temperature may be the cause of this health issue.
She Has Secrets You'll Never Know Or Understand,
She Appears So Strong On The Outside,
But On The Inside Her World Is Spinnin Upside Down.
Shes Smiling And Standing Tall 2 The Outta World,
Shes Crying And Breaking Down In Her Inner World.

She Appears So Happy 2 Her Mates,
But Alone, She Shares Her Tears With Her Pillow.
She Knows Not 2 Get Her Hopes Up,
As They Always Come Crashing Down.
Shes Heard It All Before & Felt It All.
Shes Experienced More Then Her Fair Share.
1 Touch, & She'll Flinch
1 Harsh, Word & She'll Cry
1 Bad Moment, & She'll Break Down

She Trusts No1, Because The People She Has, Hurt Her & Leave Her 2 Pick Up The Pieces
She Believes No1, Because The People She Has, Lie & Betray Her.
So For Now She'll Keep 2 Herself & Pretend Everything Is Fine, When Everything Is Wrong

I Know This Girl, Because This Girl...
Is Me.


almost one week jgk lah bmanja2,sweet2 dengan fever ni.. cough lagi..flu.. adehh.. seronok.. hari khamis haritu balik awal.. minx halfday.. sbb nak g klinik amik mc n ubat.damn.. pastu tido kejap dlm sejam.. ptg tu g klinik,thne g amik eka n lynda kat kolej.. harapan nak kluarkn peluh.. bukan bfoya2.. mmg x larat dah act.. hee.. tp lenjan je lah...

nak teman eka g study.hehe.. sweet je study kan.. smngt waja.. :) hope pointer u gempaksss...:p  okay then mkn lah nasi goreng.. lpas tu mkn ubt.. lepas mkn ubt buknnyer segar ke cergas ke.. tapi lemau gila.. badan panas,, nasib lah bf aku ada.. dia drive.. ergghh... sangat xlarat.. alih2 xdpt teman eka lama2.. balik rmah!!!!! heee..

sorry syg i buat u risau.ekeke... tu lah..mak dah pesan jgn kluar time demam.. tu kan dah mndapat..amik kauuu.. haha.. adehhh.. almost 9o'clock.. nak xnak balik jgk..xkn nak soh bf anta. ksian dia.. so aku pn drive .. laju jgk lah..nk cpt smpai pnye psal.. mata dah rabakkk.. mmg abis2 sasau.. ggrrr.haha.. ubat pnye pasal.. dah mcm ubat pelali dah.. ishhh.. drive pn tah apa2.. nasib x msuk dlm longkang. tmsuk dlm semak je.. haha.. funny..

haihhh..ubat2.. alih2 cuti smpai hari ahad.... ngammmmm.. :)

sick :'(

flu fever cough nose bleeding. damn! ngam sangat. hurmm. time ni jgk lah dia nk sakit2..sabtu dah lah bnyk program.adeh.. kang xlarat cmne nk g? :( aku nak sihat cepat!!!

baik baik aja

what a sweet moment about yesterday. :) terubat rindu. i sayang u. yeah. i realized that.. hopefully relation kite long lasting. hee. well. gonna miss you.. miss u for every second,minutes,hour,day by day.. erghh. nasib lah rumah dekat jaa. haha..

maybe salah aku :'(

apa lah bengong sangat aku ni kan.. aku tengah bahagia kot. yeah. aku suka spoilkan mood orang. or mybe aku terlalu berterus terang ke? hm. i just wanna be honest with him. salah ke.. tu apa yang aku rasa kot skrg.. mmg x dinafikan aku sayangkan dia. sebab dia sangat COOL.. again.. COOL. :p

tapi tah lah aku gila agaknye.mental. aku boleh luahkan prasaan plak smlm.. aku g ckap yg aku ni 50/50 je skrg, bukan nye aku xnak dia lngsung. just...aku x ready kot.. tp hati syg weh.. x leh nk lupakn dia.. even trpksa. nk bt cmne... :'(((

lepas abih lepas smua..then hati aku tbe2 je rsa lain... weh. aku nangis weh!!!! :'(( sumpah aku nangis.. aku yg susah nak nangis,bleh nangis weh. adehhh.. jiwa kacau abis... tension. damn!! :'( then..aku sedar..aku sayangkan dia... :'( tapi dah terlambat..

dia ignore aku.. ignore!!! weh ignore weh! sakit hati aku tau x! tp mmg salah aku pn/.. by, i do loves u. :'( aku tau kau dah try tuk tunjuk hati kau n syg kau kt aku sikit2.. aku nmpk tu smua.. n aku tau kau cuba tuk honest dgn aku all tha time.. im proud with u.. tp sygnye aku je kelam kabut..hee. hmm. aku tak faham dgn diri aku sndri.. tah apa aku nak.

weh aku sayang kau weh!! sorry sangat.. jgn lah ignore aku..kau ckp kau sygkn aku kn... :'(((

back to school :D

she's my ladyfairy <3 atika azmira. going back to school. haha. well,gudluck. study baik2. pointer kasi ngammm abis okay girl..

best plak teman eka g shopping brg skolah tu.haha. rasa cm nak msuk skolah balik je..hehe..klakar lah. yelah wer 20 now kn.. tu rsa eka pn lmbt msuk stdy..

sorry lah bukan finy xnk msuk stdy sama dgn eka. then course yg eka amik tu mmg course fav finy plak.. tp sbbkn msalah kwngan skit,so lmbt skit nk stdy.,heee. whatever izit, ill be with u okay..

<3 you... take care there.......

aminul hasri :)

for now,he's mine.
aminul hasri husaini.
dear,do not ever hurt me okay.

whatever izit,
i put trust on you
n i try to loves u as u love me
i will
as u said,lets make our relationship workings.
i will again baby

i'll do it dear..

Maison's Party Pool :)

hahaha.. masa ni aku dah x sedar apa dah. tah sape2 aku amik pic pn aku x sedar. btw aku enjoy. yeah. thanks lah fr those guys yg humban aku dalam pool. korang xtau ke aku sejuk nak mati?ggrr. haha.

ni pic2 budak2 basah.haha. funny je.. well,just ignore someone tu. nape lah muka dia dok ada je. hahaha. whateverrss...yg pnting aku enjoy.. LOL. ur guys sgt awsome lah. rindu jeeeee... aku have fun sgt that night...kali kedua kena humban, cannot go sudah.. aku dah abis2 sejuk ..mood dah lari. then aku tros blah. haha. love you echa...!!! ur my beloved frennn. <3

oh sian my baby xde .hehe. dia dduk je.. haihh.. neway iloveyou lah aminul hasri!! <3 deep love.. :) muwah..

dia di hati....ku.

almost two months :) and now.. just like a couple who r in love. deep love. <3 even tak pernah declare or cakap nak couple, but thats our style kut lah.haha. tah lah. aku rasa cool je. tak yah declare pape. just say we are in love. dia sayang aku..aku sayang dia. enough :)

for first time, semalam dia bawak aku jumpa kawan2 dia.. lepak skali. yeah tu yg aku tggu.. sebab aku nak tgok sama ada dia ready nak kenalkn girl dia or tak.. haha. then, dia bawak. tnpa disuruh. awasome. :)

so kat situ aku dah nmpk lagi yg dia mmg ikhlas n syg aku. even bru sikit.. aku xnak trust 100%. just follow je flow relation ktrg yg umpama kawan,couple n adik abg :D

but then, he's in my heart :)

for a while,Imma hate u guys :'(

friday..i mean last friday. last week lah kot kan.heee. tah apa je lah kau nak post ni finy oii.. ye ah nak cite ni.. hari jumaat tu aku kena serang dek tunang orang. burrrrr.

masa tu tengah lunch.. then ada lah starngers ni call aku. she a ladyss whoot, tkjut mak. hehe. rupanya tunang ehheeemmm ehemm. LAH! sumpah aku tkjut gila.

ye lorh tunang org kut aku kacau.grrr. kacau lah sangat. okay dia call dia tnya aku kenal ke tunang dia ?then ada kua lunch ke baru2 ni?yup. aku pun mngaku lah dgn senang hati. bukan lah niat nak sakitkan hati dia..just nak honest je. btpe nak tipu kan..

plus aku dgn tunang dia tu mmg xde affair o whatsover lah pn. just kawan. o lgi bgus, mcm abg adik. hello! im 20 okay. n tunang dia tu 31 smtg. damn! mna boleh jadi lah.. haha. funny kot. then dia pn call lgi ..kali ni nak jmpa..

okay then jmpa lah..dia dtg kt aku. org nye manis btudung :) naissssss :) tp dia dtg cara baik lah.layan aku pn baik.. ngamm. tenang jiwa.ahaha. then lepas tu dia pn dduk lah cite bout everythg..

dia tnya aku slalu ke jmpa tunang dia ke apa.aku ckp lah msg pn jrg ni kan jmpa. ktrg xde ape pn lah kak oii... huu.risau sgt, emm.letih nak type dpndekkn cite, akk tu minx maaf sbb dtg tnye2 smua kat aku. apa pn chill lah kak.. pndai2 jga tunang akk tu yeee. tkot dkebas dek org je..heeee. but not me.. haha.

learn from lesson. aku dah makin susahnak caye laki. DAMN. haha. so what.. x kisah lah.. jnji de org syggg aminnnnn <3

peha calar grrrrr

malas nye nak balik naik monorail tu.
dah lah smalam balik peha aku habis calar.
bleeding..! hate gila. ishhh.

pastu pack macam sadin. APTB!
nak je bawak kete g keje.
tapi tu lah. hmm. xlarat nak drive. huwaaa
jem kl ni mcm haram. tension aku.

happy birthday adik a.k.a syiera


awak ni datang dalam hidup saya secara tiba2 je.
walaupun saya yang contact awak dulu.
tapi niat saya lain. awak pun tau kan. :)

tau2 saya dengan awak sekarang.
even kita bukan couple pun, tapi awak luahkan perasaan awak.
n a simple word. awak sayang saya.

tapi kan awak.... saya x tau lah saya sayangkan awak ke tak.
sebab..hati saya belum pun bsedia nak ada relation.
even dengan awak pun.
awak treat saya macam gf awak.

saya suka saya happy bila jumpa awak.
tapi saya xtau sampai bila saya boleh happy.
yang saya rasa skrg ni, hati yg kian pudar. :)

hati saya belum terbuka lagi kot. but at the same time,
u need me, n i need u.
em tu yang saya keliru skrg ni.

awak mesti terasa yang saya mcm nak xnak je layan awak kan?
pastu awak slalu tanya pasal update status bbm saya.
kenapa dgn saya. kan..

tu semua lah perasaan saya..awakk....
saya x mampu nak cakap kat awak.
xmampu nak marah awak..
xmampu nak ckp kat awak,yg saya xperlukan awak.
buat masa ni..

saya takot lukakan hati awak..
buat awak kecewa.

awak..saya memang susah nak pecaye orang..
walaupun awak sentiasa jujur dengan saya..
tapi saya susah jugak nak caye..
bukan lah sy fkir awak ada org lain..

tapi if awak ada pn, saya betol2 x kisah.
sebab saya mmg x layak untuk awak..
dengan sape2 pn saya xnak awak..

susah kan kenal dengan org mcm saya ni?
saya boleh buat org kecewa..
kejam kan?
kan saya dah cakap saya x de hati dan perasaannnnn............

so awak... lepas ni if saya dah x contct awak..
awak jga diri baik2 ye..
saya sayang awak..sebagai seorang kawan baik :)
macam awal2 awak ckp kat saya?
awak nak saya jadi kawan baik awak..
tapi...awak luahkan perasaan kat saya..
saya jadi x faham................................. :")

kenapa lah manusia ni banyak karenah n macam2 perangai ek?
tension lak aku nak melayan. ada yg macam meroyan. ada yg kerek nak mati.

kt tempat keje lagi ah xleh harap.. malas nak ckap. kje je lah.. raya nak dekat.
sabauuu je lah finy..

ikutkan malas je.. keje dengan bapak aku lagi bgus.. xyah kua duit. haha.
nak pengalaman pnye pasal. keje je lah. tunduk je ah dgn org atasan.

tapi xyah nak blagak sgt boleh kan? tau lah kau kaya. then kau dah senang lenang
kau lupa asal usul kau yg dulu pn miskin mcm aku gak.
yg tkial2 mncri keje then kena pijak. now kau nak pijak org bawahan mcm aku gak lah?

xpe..tuhan tu maha adil. aku redha je...... sabarrr x rugi apa pn..chill. :)

miss my old hair :'(