6 oct 09. the day we're fighting again. seems like nothings gonna make us happy.
n i know,its all my fault. ill promise that it would never happen again.
dady,sume yg jdi mlm 2 juz 1 misunderstanding je. i noe u x ok mse 2. i lgi la nk
wat u mrah kn.?im sorry. i tawu yg u akn minx break off with me,ble bnd2 ni jdi.
but,tah la.i da xleh pki. yg i igt,hati i ckop2 skit dat nite. sayang,sesungguh nye,kte ni
bkn lah insan yg smpurna tuk puaskn hati stiap org. kte juz manusia biase je.
ape kekurangan yg ade dlm dri i ni,harap sgt u bleh terima dgn ikhlas n terbuka.
as wat we noe,i love you,n you do love me. i realy love you more than you love me.
afta diz,i wont make u hurt nemore,n ill pomish all my heart. ilysm sayang. :)